Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Bucket List

I hope you guys enjoy this. Please comment if you have any ideas for something for me to add. (P.S. I know I have kissing in France/Paris on there twice. I'm working on fixing that. Oh: and when I add items to my list I'll add them here too. :P )

Bucket List
1.) Get a tattoo
2.) Get married
3.) Live in my own apartment for a year
4.) Run up the Rocky Steps
5.) Be in a movie
6.) Become confidant in my singing abiliies
7.) Be on national t.v.
8.) Dye my hair a crazy color permenantly.
9.) Have a baby
10.) Get into All State Choir
11.) Get into All State Band
12.) Win a piano competition
13.) Get in shape
14.) Journal every day -- for a whole year
15.) Go to a club
16.) Sneak out of my house
17.) Sleep outside and look at the stars (in my driveway/backyard.)
18. ) Stop biting my nails
19.) Go to Austria
20.) Go on a mission trip to Africa.
21.) Adopt a child
22.) Become a grandparent
23.) Buy my own house -- by the ocean/lake.
24.) Learn how to surf.
25.) Work at Sonic
26.) Become a professional piano player
27.) Live in New York.
28.) Be in the top 5 people of my graduating class.
29.) Learn how to fly an airplane
30.) Cut my hair crazily. (Bald? Mohawk? Pixi length??)
31.) French Kiss in France
32.) Own my own bed and breakfast.
28.) Own a horse
29.) Fall in love. Real love. The kind in the movies.
30.) Donate blood. As often as I can.
31.) Ride the biggest roller coaster in the world.
32.) Learn how to fluently speak ASL
33.) Become a special needs teacher
34.) Break a world record
35.) Go scuba diving
36.) Ride in a hot air balloon
37.) Swim with Dolphins
38.) Start a non-profit organization
39.) Reach 100 followers on my blog
40.) Write a book.
41.) See the Top 100 films of all time according to Time Magazine
42.) See the Top 100 films according to Yahoo
43.) Learn how to do CPR
44.) Learn how to drive a stick-shift.
45.) Read the top 100 novels of all time According to Time Magazine
46.) Start a bible-study.
47.) Visit Jerusalem
48.) Run a marathon/5k
49.) Go to Ireland
50.) Go to Italy
51.) see the aurora borealis
52.) See the Great Wall of China
53.) Visit all 50 states
54.) Skinny Dip
55.) See a show on Broadway
56. Kiss under some mistletoe
57.) Kiss undereneath the eiffle tower
58.) Visit a concentration camp
59.) Create a family tree. Extensive.
60.) Learn a poem in ASL and recite it to an audience of at lest 100
61.) Kiss in the rain
62.) Pay it forward
63.) Be in a flash mob
64.) See Les Miserables
65.) Movie Hop
66.) Register as an organ doner
67.) See a solar eclipse
68.) Create and fill a memory box.
69.) Ride the London Eye
70.) Order Chinese Takeout after 12 in the morning
71.) Go to the hot springs in iceland
72.) See the contenental ridge. (Take pictures for Mrs. Large.)
73.) Be a mentor for someone.
74.) Swim in the Dead Sea
75.) Own my own restraunt/coffee shop
76.) Try every flavor of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
77.) See the Salmon Run in Alaska
78.) See the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade... in person
79.) Visit a black beach
80.) Visit Arlington National Cemetery.
81.) Be on a Jury
82.) See a movie premeire (at midnight)
83.) Go to Germany
84.) See the changing of the gaurds at Buckingham Palace
85.) See turtles on the Galapagos Islands
86.) Stay at the Ice Hotel
87.) Register and Name a star
88.) Drive down Route 66 -- All of it. Stop in every town and get a souvenier.
89.) Learn how to write calligraphy
90.) Learn how to read Braille
91.) See a Ballet
92.) Take etiquite Classes
93.) Visit the ruins of Pompeii
94.) Send a message in a bottle (and get a reply)
95.) Be a vegetarian for a year
96.) Build a House with Habitat for Humanity
97.) Visit Mount Fuji
98.) Own a baby grand piano and use it on a daily basis.
99.) Plant a tree and nurture it until it grows.
100.) Visit the Wailing Wall
101.) Spend a couple years living in different countries (like an Eat, Pray, Love mission. One on each Continent except North America.)
102.) Meditate for 30 minutes every day. On God, specific verses, prayer, ect.
103.) Dance to Butterfly Kisses with my father on my wedding day.
104.) Volunteer for an orphanage in a foreign country for a year.
105.) Learn how to dance.

There we go. Again, comment if you have any ideas for items for me to add to this list. Hopefully I can get to work on achieving some of these goals ASAP. Oh, and also, if you have a bucket list, please share a link to where I can see it!! (or just post it in the comments...)

Love you guys! Thanks so much for reading you guys make my day (especially when I see 16 views in 1 hour?? I know that's not much for pro-bloggers, but for the dust-on-the-ground bloggers (like me!!!) that's a lot.)

XOXO - Kathryn

P.S. the list of things on my bucket list are in no particular order of importance. :)


  1. WOW - thats a huge list!
    Have fun ticking as many of them off as you can.

  2. Okay, so this is one hell of a list, and if you go over to my blog you'll see I'm trying to do something similar, except, not a bucketlist. I do hope that you don't mind if I pinch a couple of ideas from this?
    Consider yourself to have another follower.

  3. @Katsicles: Haha yes it is huge! I will definitely try to get as many of them as humanly possible...

    @JeffTheAfrican: Feel free to steal as many as you want to! Thanks for following!

    <3- Kathryn

  4. Kathryn :)
    I love seeing bucket lists! They make me so happy. I'm definitely a goal-setter and a dreamer.

    I'd post my bucket list here if it weren't so long :)

    But really! Go for it!! Try them all :)


  5. @Viviana: I love bucket lists as well!!! I like seeing people who go after their dreams.

    I will try to try them all before I die. Right now, (since I'm a teenager...) I'm kind of limited on what is possible.



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