Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear 5:30 AM -- I think we need to take a break from this relationship

Hey blog readers! How is your week going? It's Wednesday -- we're halfway through! (I'm sure you can make it the other 2.5 days...)

Well, anyways, to the point of this blog post. I hate waking up early. Most days, I get to school wayyyy early (like, 7:00 usually) every day. This makes me wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Here is my breakdown of morning routines.
5:30-6:00 Read my Bible
6:00-6:15 Get dressed and do what little makeup I put on on a day-to-day basis
6:15-6:25 Pack a lunch and Eat breakfast
6:30-6:45 leave the house
I mean that's a lot of time spent getting ready. I know a lot of you will ask "well, why can't you just read your Bible later -- or not read it at all?" My answer to that is that reading my Bible is an important part of my life. I don't know HOW in the world I would survive without God by my side 100% of the time helping me through it. I can't read my Bible later because of the simple fact that it won't get done. I will procrastonate and procrastonate and eventually (as my head is hitting the pillow to go to sleep) I realize "oops, I forgot to read my Bible..... again." So to solve that issue I wake up an extra thirty minutes in the mornings and read. Yes it is a HUGE sacrifice. Yes, every morning as I'm dragging myself out of bed I doubt the importance of this and wish I could go back to sleep. But I can also say that yes, truthfully and honestly, those 30 mintues really do make my day (and my life for that matter) THAT much better.

So I guess my questions for you are
a) How much time does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
b) Do you do any wierd things in the morning that take up that time?
c) Are you a Christain, and if not, what religion are you. (I know that is a super wierd question, and if you don't want to answer, that's fine. But I like to know because I find religions interesting. So answer if you want to :) )

Thanks for reading (as always!)
Have a great rest-of-the week!

-Girl 1


  1. Hey Girl1, this is Vikki from the GodGirl site & this post made me SOOO HAPPY I wanted to cry!

    I'm an _ADULT_ and I don't have a good set of morning habits... aaaagh! Like, my morning habits are REALLY bad.. usually, I don't even really get my hair brushed before I go someplace - grooossss!

    1. Maybe it takes me an hour just to get dressed, eat breakfast with my kids, get everything together and get in the car if we're going somewhere. If we're not going somewhere, I do everything realllllly late!

    Wow, this is a GREAT time in your life to get used to doing those things first thing in the morning, even though it's hard... mostly likely you will have those habits working for you as an adult - YAY! I applaud you.

    2. I guess the one habit I'm guaranteed to do is nurse my baby (He's 8 months old). And I greet both of my children cheerfully in the morning, which I think blesses me back FAR MORE than what I put into it!!

    I am trying to establish a habit of reading the Bible alone and/or reading the Bible and singing worship songs with my 3 year-old. Would love it if you'd pray for strength for me in this! (There's three other important habits I want establish too... in theory.)

    1. And yeah, you know I'm Christian.

  2. Hey girl! I'm so glad that you commented! I didn't even know that you read my blog haha!

    That's really sweet that you spend a lot of your morning time with your kids! I hope that if I become a parent I can do stuff like that and be a good mom.

    I will definitely pray for your morning bible-readings with your three-year-old.

    Thanks again for reading and commenting! It really makes my day!

    -Girl 1

    - pray for strength for your morning bible-reading with your 3-year old!


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