Friday, August 26, 2011

First Mistake

Hello Blog Readers and Followers :)))

So three weeks into my goal and I've already made a mistake. What do I have to say to this?? Oh well. School happens. Life happens. And sadly, although very important to me, you, my dear blog followers, are not the most important things in my life. I have other things to worry about. Like school. And my room. And my family. And church. So I... accidentally forgot about blogging.

BUT!!!! Here's the good news: I will still be blogging with the same goal. Only instead of new posts coming out on Thursdays they will come Fridays. :)

So... onto school. It's been... well... interesting. the consolers, or the computer system, or whatever SOMEHOW messed up my schedule. So now my schedule looks like this:
1. Pre AP Biology
2. Geometry
3. Spanish 2
4. Band
5. English
6. History
7. Business Information Management


1. Geometry, Biology, History or Spanish
2. Choir
3. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish
4. Band
5. English
6. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish
7. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish.

So basically... they took me out of Choir (my love... if you didn't know) and put me in Business Information Management (from now on referred to as BIM). BIM is a class where you learn how to use a computer and the Microsoft Office Suite. Now, I'm not trying to say I have professional skills, but I have a pretty fundamental knowledge of Word, Outlook, Excel, Publisher, ect. I don't plan on being a secretary or anything where I have to use a computer. (Now, I know that things happen in life where you HAVE to be a secretary or have an office job so that you can provide for your family. And if those things happen... I WILL be anything that will take me.) I plan on being a musician. Weather through Private Lessons, a teacher (who... yes has to use a computer, but it's not her/his MAIN job), a music minister, ect.

It makes me a little mad but there's not much I can do about it.

So... questions for you:
1. How was your first (or second? or third??) week of school? Did anything ... interesting ... happen?
2. If you don't go to school, how was your week????

Haha thank you guys for reading.
XOXO- Love always!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 2

Hey guys it's week 2 and right on time (or... 7 minutes late..) I'm getting my blog post for the week in ;)

So first of all on the 14th, at 5:00 am, 17 PEOPLE VEIWED MY BLOG. I have no idea where this great spasm of viewers came from. But welcome anyways I hope you become regular.

Second of all... as (most) of you know... I am a music junkie. Music is my life I love it love it love it and I plan to be an elementary music teacher when I "grow up" and get a real job. So I decided "what the heck. I might as well join senior adult choir. (No i'm not a senior adult. It's just they're nicer than regular adults. Especially to "younguns" who want to join them.)" So Wednesday night was the first rehearsal and OH MY GOODNESS it was amazing. I loveeee choir so singing worship songs was absolutely fantastic, and secondly (I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but whatever so far i've been completely honest) OLD PEOPLE ARE HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it was just like constant laughter the whole 45 minutes.

So please pray for me Sunday. I practiced for 45 minutes and I have to perform like 8 songs. The perfectionist in me is freaking out, but somehow I'll make it through I KNOW I will. :) (Even if it means making up a part... ;) )

I love you guys and I am anxiously awaiting the next time I will post. Again, at the LATEST I promise it will be Thursday night. But probably earlier than that since school is starting Monday and I will have awesome juicy details about my teachers and drama. :)

<3 XOXO - Kathryn.


Okay so for our summer reading project for school we had to read Fahrenheit 451 (by Ray Bradbury) and do a little packet. So tonight I was working on it and I was on the part where we had to pick a quote and explain it's importance, and what I wrote was REALLY good so I'm going to write it hear.

Quote: "We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."

Significance: This quote is a warning against equality, so to speak. This quote reminds me of Harrison Burgeron by Kurt Vonnegut. (Side note: best short story ever. If you haven't read it... READ IT!!!) In this short story, anyone who is better or superior to anyone else is "handicapped" to be equal. Humans are created not equal. Everyone has different talents and abilities. Everyone is great at something, and not so great at something else. When we limit this "greatness" (weather with finances, academics, music, sports, art, ect.) we hinder humanity from excelling as we were made to do.

So what do you think? Do you disagree or disagree with me???? (I personally think that this is a work of genius... but of course it's my own writing so.. that only means I have a big head haha. :) )

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Goal!!!

Hello, and welcome one new follower!! (Is it bad that I make this big of a deal out of followers?? It just makes me excited that people are ACTUALLY reading what I have to say :o)

As stated above I am about to list my new blogging goals for this year! (which is always interesting!!) I am actually going to aim to stick to these instead of flake out as usual when I make goals. I'm also going to set this goal as something that's ACTUALLY reasonable. (Once a day??  A little too much, both for me and for you...)

So you're probably thinking, "Stop gibber gibbering about this goal and get on with it! Stop procrastinating!!" So here it is:

My blogger goal for this school year (should I go with the first semester?? A whole school year might be too much of a commitment for me...) is to blog once a week (even if it's on the weekends or in the middle of the night...) about something that's actually worth my followers time to read.

For instance -- I know that none of you care about the drama going on at church, school, ect. Plus that takes too much time to type and it's too confusing... (Also what if I got famous, and they read my blog, and they figured out I was writing about them?? Yikes!!) So I will try and come up with something good and creative to write about... No guarantees... It could be some boring thing about Biology or World Geography. But I will try nevertheless.

So again, thank you for reading dear blog-readers! And if not before then, I will see you next Thursday.

XOXO <3- Kathryn

P.S. Preguntas para tu! (Questions for you!)
1. Do you speak Spanish? (at all?? a little?? Spanglish?)
2. What are your school year/fall goals?? What about for blogging?? (My school year goals also include keeping my room clean and never forgetting to bring anything to school/home, as well as being in the top 10 of my grade.)
3. Do you think I'm going to flake out on my blogging goal? (be honest... you won't hurt my feelings!!)