Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 11 (continued)

[This is the journal entry for the 11th day of my amazing adventure]

11:47 PM

Dear journal,
Today was a l-o-n-g day. It was the first Sunday without Pastor Tommy. Overall I handled it well though. I think. I cried the most during small group when I talked about how P.T. [Pastor Tommy] chose Dad's table. [My dad was the leader of a table at Men's Breakfast, and the Pastor chose to be at his table.] Then later on we went to church to visit with Rita, Joy, Julie, and Johnathon. Then I started crying  mostly because mom started crying, and she's one of the least emotional people I know. Then we talked to Mrs. Tammy. I told her about how I felt like I had been called to ministry. [Let me explain. At camp I realized that I think God has been speaking to me and trying to call me to do something. I don't know if that means preschool, children, or music minister, or if it means being a missionary. Bu honestly I'm just trying to pray and take things one step at a time.] We cried. At home I asked Brendan* to pray for me, and he was actually really comforting. he mentioned how God moves in mysterious ways, and how I shouldn't lose m faith. I never thought there would be a day when I sought spiritual advice from him. Oh, and I also asked about his spiritual life and he said it's going well. Even though I probably had nothing to do with it, I feel like I planted/watered/weeded the plant, and that makes me feel good. Well I am going to seep. I am one tired girl.
<3- K


  1. i was moved by this post. really. i know how it feels when you feel like you are talking to God. i always feel refreshed whenever this happens.

  2. @Trish: Thank you so much! It is refreshing, but sometimes it's confusing. It's like God gives you the first step, the next step, and the last step, but none of the steps in between. For OCD people like me that makes it difficult to step out and obey.


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