Thursday, March 31, 2011

My first run...

Gah. Are all my posts going to be about exercising and weight loss and healthi-ness now? I sure hope not. In no offense to health nuts or foodies out there, but I hope other interesting things happen in my life. This is not a blog just specifically for my transition to a healthy lifestyle.

So anyways to the point. I took my first run (well, Girl 2 and I took our first run) yesterday. It was rough! I mean, I am so out of shape that it's not even funny! But hey you have to start somewhere right? Now I have that starting point and I'm going to try (that's all I can promise myself right?) to run farther the next time. Now, who knows when the next time is? Not today, that's for sure. (I have a piano lesson after school, and that was so down-right discouraging that I don't know if I would want to do it on a super consistant every-day basis!)

Also, there's one thing that bothers me about running -- out doors and in the gym. People are watching you. Like people from my school live on the streets that I ran by. What if they were looking out there windows? Goodness that would be a spectical. Oh, and don't forget about the little old ladies driving by in their cars. I'm sure they were not prepared for the sight they saw as turning the corner...

1. Do you run
2. Where (If you do)
3. What botthers you the most about it?

-Girl 1

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The People at Wal-Mart make my day

Hey everyone!

I know that this is really random, but the greeters from Wal-Mart make my day every single time I go. For example, there is this guy named Zaki. He has (debatedly) the worst job in the world. But he is always smiling. He also waves at me every time that I go into the store. How encouraging is that? It always makes me feel special and valued (even though I'm sure that Wal-Mart could care less weather I shop there or not.)

This got me to thinking about how I could encourage others. I mean, I know first-hand that a smile can turn my day upside down, so why don't I smile to more people? Someone saying "hello" can sometimes make the difference between a good day and a bad one, so why don't I say "hello" to more people? How much of a difference could I make just by changing my attitude?

So some questions for you (as always :) )
a) Who encourages you the most?
b) What do you do to encourage others?

Thanks for reading!!
-Girl 1

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear 5:30 AM -- I think we need to take a break from this relationship

Hey blog readers! How is your week going? It's Wednesday -- we're halfway through! (I'm sure you can make it the other 2.5 days...)

Well, anyways, to the point of this blog post. I hate waking up early. Most days, I get to school wayyyy early (like, 7:00 usually) every day. This makes me wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Here is my breakdown of morning routines.
5:30-6:00 Read my Bible
6:00-6:15 Get dressed and do what little makeup I put on on a day-to-day basis
6:15-6:25 Pack a lunch and Eat breakfast
6:30-6:45 leave the house
I mean that's a lot of time spent getting ready. I know a lot of you will ask "well, why can't you just read your Bible later -- or not read it at all?" My answer to that is that reading my Bible is an important part of my life. I don't know HOW in the world I would survive without God by my side 100% of the time helping me through it. I can't read my Bible later because of the simple fact that it won't get done. I will procrastonate and procrastonate and eventually (as my head is hitting the pillow to go to sleep) I realize "oops, I forgot to read my Bible..... again." So to solve that issue I wake up an extra thirty minutes in the mornings and read. Yes it is a HUGE sacrifice. Yes, every morning as I'm dragging myself out of bed I doubt the importance of this and wish I could go back to sleep. But I can also say that yes, truthfully and honestly, those 30 mintues really do make my day (and my life for that matter) THAT much better.

So I guess my questions for you are
a) How much time does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
b) Do you do any wierd things in the morning that take up that time?
c) Are you a Christain, and if not, what religion are you. (I know that is a super wierd question, and if you don't want to answer, that's fine. But I like to know because I find religions interesting. So answer if you want to :) )

Thanks for reading (as always!)
Have a great rest-of-the week!

-Girl 1

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Change in my life

I was reading Fit Foodie Finds, one of the blogs I read on a regular basis. The specific post I was reading happened to be about change, and it inspired me to think about change in my life. I know that I like to change in some areas, but definitely not in others. For example, I love to change my blog layout. I love to change my desktop screen. I love to change my hair. I love to change the way my room is decorated.
But, on the other hand, I hate changing some things. I hate not talking to people that I used to be friends with. I hated changing schools. I hate drinking regular Coke (a change from my usual Diet Coke). I hate adding or taking away something from my schedule, or changing the time of things. I hate changing phones. I absolutely hate changing from wearing flip flops to tennis shoes in the winter time.
This brought me to think about why I like to change superficial things, but I don't like to change the more important things in my life, and I have yet to find an answer. I guess that since a lot of things in my life are constantly up in the air and chaotic. I like to have the important things nailed down so I don't to worry about them too. I guess the reason why I believe that I hate the change of important things is because I need stability in my life. I don't know about you, but life is hard enough to juggle around without changing too much at a time.

So a few questions for you (some taken from the Fit Foodie Finds blog post.)
1. Do you like to change (and what kind of change do you like)
2. Why do you think you like to change?
3. Why do you think that it is easier to change the superficial or non-important things in life compared to changing the important things?

Thanks for reading!

<3- Girl 1

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I am officially on Tubmlr. NO WORRIES I'm still gonna be here too!! But just in case you want to check me out there the link is . If you don't and you just want to stay her in your comfy cozy blogger chair, then that's cool with me too :)

-Girl 1

The Girl Code

Okay so I was talking with a friend and we were discussing the girl code... You know that unspoken code that you just KNOW you have to follow... and how nobody has officially written it down, and why not. So I decided that I was going to write the top 5 girl code rules (in my opinion...) and see what you guys thought.

1. If your friend has cried over a guy -- do not date him without her permission.

2. If your friend has dated a guy, don't date him without permission

3. If your friend has loved a guy -- never, under any circumstances, date him. (I believe that if you have ever loved a guy, that a teensy tiny part of you will always love him. Therefore if your friend dates him, a teensy tiny part of you will be jelous. Therefore you and your friend could have difficulties. No one wants that to happen!!!)

4. If your friend disapproves of the guy -- dump him. (Friends are way more important.)

5. If your friend likes a guy -- don't date him without permission.

Okay so those are my top five. Let me know of you're top girl-code-rules.  I might add them in an edit later on :o ... Then you would be famous (well.. only sort of...)

Thanks for reading!
-Girl 1

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rambling on Writings

Hi blog readers.... (one person  still?!?!) So now I'm going to publish my seriously depressing/deep poems/writings/stories that I hope to become famous on (haha yea right!)

1. You never thnk that you love someone until something takes them away. Then you are filled with a painfulhole in your heart, and all you can ever think about is how things used to be.

2. The spinning vortex of lies and deception. sucking me in with caring, sharing, pretending. Spit me out with insults, avoidence, and pain. so this is how friends treat each other? The spinning vortex. Lies, Deception, and. Finally. Nothing.

3. (Beware before reading, this one is kinda long!)

AS she dressed for the day in her typical attire of jeans, a t-shirt, and some tennis shoes, Breesa wondered if today would be the day someone finally cared enough to talk to her. Sure, people spoke to her.It wasn't about that. it was that usually no one asked about her. It was all about them and their life.
"Come on, Bree," her mother yelled. "you're going to miss the bus!" Of course Breesa thought as she rolled her eyes.
"Did you eat breakfast?" asked her mother. Breesa nodded. Truth was she never ate. Nothing tasted good to her anym ore, and plus eating caused you to gain weight and Breesa didn't need any help in that department. She grapped her i-pod and headed out the door.
She walked to the bus stop and stood amongst the kids in their own groups. All except her of course. This is what the i-pod was for. To block herself from thinking of the world around her.
"Hi, Bree." Her thoughts were interupted by Lori, the closest thing she had to a friend.
"Hello," Breesa said.
As she returned to her music, Breesa thought how much of a jerk she was. Oh well, better to be the jerk then the victum.
"Are you going to Kelsie's party?" There it was, that same voice again.
"No. Wasn't invited." Breesa focused on staring ahead and taking deep breaths. Focus she thought. Tears are the enemy.
"Oh," Lori replied sullenly. The regret and akward feeling of not knowing what to say was obvious on her face and the fact that she walked away abruptly with no goodbye.
She doesn't know the pain she's causing. Plus, it's better she goes away. She won't find the good companion she's looking for here. Breesa thought as the bus rolled into the stop and she borded and sat into her usually spot. Alone, with only the music to comfort her.


So I hope you guys liked it. If not that's cool too, just click the "you suck" button down below and move along with your life :) Just kidding. You can stay if you want!

Anyways, positive and negative feedback would be greatly appreciated.

-Girl 1
P.S. These were written at a very dark time in my life. I'm out in the sunshine now, so don't worry about me :)