Friday, August 26, 2011

First Mistake

Hello Blog Readers and Followers :)))

So three weeks into my goal and I've already made a mistake. What do I have to say to this?? Oh well. School happens. Life happens. And sadly, although very important to me, you, my dear blog followers, are not the most important things in my life. I have other things to worry about. Like school. And my room. And my family. And church. So I... accidentally forgot about blogging.

BUT!!!! Here's the good news: I will still be blogging with the same goal. Only instead of new posts coming out on Thursdays they will come Fridays. :)

So... onto school. It's been... well... interesting. the consolers, or the computer system, or whatever SOMEHOW messed up my schedule. So now my schedule looks like this:
1. Pre AP Biology
2. Geometry
3. Spanish 2
4. Band
5. English
6. History
7. Business Information Management


1. Geometry, Biology, History or Spanish
2. Choir
3. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish
4. Band
5. English
6. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish
7. Geometry, Biology, History, or Spanish.

So basically... they took me out of Choir (my love... if you didn't know) and put me in Business Information Management (from now on referred to as BIM). BIM is a class where you learn how to use a computer and the Microsoft Office Suite. Now, I'm not trying to say I have professional skills, but I have a pretty fundamental knowledge of Word, Outlook, Excel, Publisher, ect. I don't plan on being a secretary or anything where I have to use a computer. (Now, I know that things happen in life where you HAVE to be a secretary or have an office job so that you can provide for your family. And if those things happen... I WILL be anything that will take me.) I plan on being a musician. Weather through Private Lessons, a teacher (who... yes has to use a computer, but it's not her/his MAIN job), a music minister, ect.

It makes me a little mad but there's not much I can do about it.

So... questions for you:
1. How was your first (or second? or third??) week of school? Did anything ... interesting ... happen?
2. If you don't go to school, how was your week????

Haha thank you guys for reading.
XOXO- Love always!


  1. ha there u are.. the busy bee :) :).. have missed you :) :).. I am sure the musician part will become true :) :)...My week was very nice.. Swedish lessons taking shape..Watched the Flying Monsters in 3D.. and cooked two new dishes.. oh and also got a post published on an online magazine :) :) my first ever :).. so it was a good week.. you have a gr8 weekend :)

  2. This just made my day!! I like to be missed, although I will try and be on time haha. Despite my complaining bit above, I really dd have an awesome week. :) I also had a great weekend


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