Friday, April 22, 2011


Hi blog readers. Sorry for the slacking off, just not much of interest has been going on with me lately.

So here I am, it's late in the evening, and I'm thinking. I have found that I think at the most inconveinent times, like now when I should be sleeping. But oh well, a little deep thought is good for everyone I suppose.

So what am I thinking about? The fact that although I am a Christain, and I know who I am in Christ, I don't knwo who I am in the world. I don't know what my legacy is. I don't know what I'm supposed to do for the cause. All in all, I really don't know who I am at all.

So my new goal for myself is to post facts that I know for sure to be true (hopefully starting simple, but getting more in depth as I go.) So I'm going to start out tonight.

1. My name is Kathryn (shocker)
2. I'm a Christian. 
3. I like to watch T.V. series. The soap opera-ish ones make me feel like my life is easy and simple. It's an escape I suppose.
4. Math makes me relaxed. It seriously does. I just did two lessons from my Algebra book and I feel much more refreshed.
5. I use the word "so" a lot. I'm sure this has some secret psycological meaning that explains some conflict from my childhood I have yet to resolve yet. But I don't quite know what that is. So if you're a psycologist and you want to let me know that would be great.

Alright, (Trying to resist the "s" word) that's all I have for now. Like I said, stupid and obivous. But hopefully leading somewhere spectacular? I don't know... we'll see.


On a totally different subject:

This blog has (in a sense) totally failed. Girl 2 and I were SUPPOSED to post every single day. Well, I don't even post anymore, and Girl 2 stopped posting a while back. So we failed our mission, our goal, the bar we set for.
But in a totally different sense it is becoming a complete success. I am becoming more open with my feelings. As this is like a "public diary" of sorts, I can just let loose. No one knows who I am or anything. In fact, no one barely even reads this. So my worries of being confronted on my issues are slim to nil. :) That makes me a happy girl.

So anyways I'm going to go do something... haven't quite figured out what yet.

-Girl 1
P.S. If anyone has ideas on how to kick Insomnia, then please let me know..... :) Thank you!

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