Friday, April 29, 2011

No Surprise

Hi blog readers...

So no surprise, it's late on a Friday night and I'm updating. Gah, I feel so bad for you guys.....

So i think it's fair to say my happy bubble is officially burst. Here's what happened:

My school band is planning a trip to a local amusement park tomorrow (technically today... but who cares?). I was not being able to sleep (Weekend night + eventful day = little sleep for this girl) so I started preparing for the day. I was planning on packing a lunch (in case you didn't know -- food at amusement parks and such is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive...) and bringing like 2 water bottles and a gatoraid. Then, when I checked the website to see if I could bring germex (more on this later) I found out that the park does not allow outside food or drinks. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so hard to not scream right there on the spot.
So of course now i'm going to be forced to spend 30 dollars on some crappy food that's doesn't even taste good and 5 bucks on a water that's not even cold! What kind of a deal is this?
After realizing that there was no way, no how, (well.... not yet anyways) that I was going to let them do this to me I devised a plan. (I know, however, that they suck, but humor me by reading anyways).
1.) Pack my lunch in a brown sack. Hide it in the pocket of a friends bag. (this one is the most probable)
2.) Hide the brown sack under my shirt...(this one is the least probable)
3.) Pray to God, Jesus, and anyone else who's listening to give the stupid bag-checkers blind eyes to not see my easily visible lunch. (I might do this along with plan 1 or plan 2... it never hurts to ask for a little miracle sometimes, does it?)

So after all this randing and raving I feel much better and relaxed... but wait: there's more!!


I am now a germophobe... Yes I know you probably could have predicted that from the fact that I am considering taking germex to a amusement park, but I decided to dedicate a whole half-blog-post to telling you about it. I think I'm OCD.... we had to take a test in school today and I lined up my animal crackers, jolly ranchers, pencils, erasers, and hilighters all in a perfect row. I also put germex on everytime I see it. I think I'm addicted. I don't know if it's the smell or if it makes me feel better and more "clean" or "holy" but I am just addicted.

I want you guys to know that this scares me a lot. People who are seriously OCD have major issues in their lives... so what major issue is so big that I have turned into a germaphobe? I have no idea...

So keep reading for the answer. If you care.

<3 - Girl 1. Kathryn. I don't even know what to call myself anymore.

Facts about Me.
6. I am addicted to Germex. 
7. The little things upset me
8. I'm a perfectionist. I want everything to go perfectly -- the way I planned it to be perfect -- all the time, otherwise my happy bubble bursts.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hi blog readers. Sorry for the slacking off, just not much of interest has been going on with me lately.

So here I am, it's late in the evening, and I'm thinking. I have found that I think at the most inconveinent times, like now when I should be sleeping. But oh well, a little deep thought is good for everyone I suppose.

So what am I thinking about? The fact that although I am a Christain, and I know who I am in Christ, I don't knwo who I am in the world. I don't know what my legacy is. I don't know what I'm supposed to do for the cause. All in all, I really don't know who I am at all.

So my new goal for myself is to post facts that I know for sure to be true (hopefully starting simple, but getting more in depth as I go.) So I'm going to start out tonight.

1. My name is Kathryn (shocker)
2. I'm a Christian. 
3. I like to watch T.V. series. The soap opera-ish ones make me feel like my life is easy and simple. It's an escape I suppose.
4. Math makes me relaxed. It seriously does. I just did two lessons from my Algebra book and I feel much more refreshed.
5. I use the word "so" a lot. I'm sure this has some secret psycological meaning that explains some conflict from my childhood I have yet to resolve yet. But I don't quite know what that is. So if you're a psycologist and you want to let me know that would be great.

Alright, (Trying to resist the "s" word) that's all I have for now. Like I said, stupid and obivous. But hopefully leading somewhere spectacular? I don't know... we'll see.


On a totally different subject:

This blog has (in a sense) totally failed. Girl 2 and I were SUPPOSED to post every single day. Well, I don't even post anymore, and Girl 2 stopped posting a while back. So we failed our mission, our goal, the bar we set for.
But in a totally different sense it is becoming a complete success. I am becoming more open with my feelings. As this is like a "public diary" of sorts, I can just let loose. No one knows who I am or anything. In fact, no one barely even reads this. So my worries of being confronted on my issues are slim to nil. :) That makes me a happy girl.

So anyways I'm going to go do something... haven't quite figured out what yet.

-Girl 1
P.S. If anyone has ideas on how to kick Insomnia, then please let me know..... :) Thank you!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Oregon Trail

The time in History we are studying right now in my class is the Oregon Trail. It led me to thinking to different things about my life (surprise surprise! Even the supid things can end up having a strong meaning for me. I don't even know why). The settlers that first travled the Wild, Wild West had complete conviction about an idea called Manifest Destiny (Or the idea that American's had the duty to settle all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans). This got me to thinking about the last time I did something in my life with complete conviction. Most of the time I do things, or I change my ways, but I'm not 100% sure, or I'm not giving all I can to the cause that I'm "fighting" for. I guess I just realized that the reason things in my life are so dull and boring is because I take no risks or leaps of faith. I am so comfortable sitting in my chair/comfortable bed/house doing nothing outside of my normal routine. I think I need to change that. Now, I don't exactly know what to do. I guess blogging was a big step, but I'm not even sure if that counts anymore since only 2 people (even supposedly) read my blog regularly, so it's not like I'm reaching a mass audience of people (not that my blog is good enough to read anyways). But I guess what makes blogging a big step for me is the fact that I have to take my thoughts, and put them into tangebal sentences and ideas that you guys out there will understand. I have to take my thoughts and communicate them to others. I think that sometimes that's really hard, because it's so much easier to hold everyhitng inside and just sit there and grouch and grouch. But when you let your thoughts out, then you get rid of the grouchiness and make room for all the "good stuff" in life.
Maybe that's my problem. I sit and mope around about all the bad stuff (that's not even a big deal.. it's little stuff like the electricity going out, staying up late to do a project, ect.ect.) that I have no room in my heart and my head for the good stuff in life.

So now that I've gone off on about 5 different bunny trails and none of you could possibly understand the point of the above ramblings..... I have some questions for you.

1. Why do you blog/Why don't you blog?
2. Does communicating your feelings help you feel better? Or does it make you feel worse?

Thanks for reading
<3 Girl 1
P.S. Even if you're not a member of blogger you can comment! So don't be afraid to press the little button below. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Verdict is: Failure

So you're probably sitting there in your chair. Looking at your computer. Asking yourself "Why the heck is she updating? She's supposed to be unplugged!!" My answer to that would be: "Yes. I was supposed to be. But, due to an unexpected couple of events, unplugged week was canceled..... for the time being."

Let me explain. Sunday was fine and dandy. Unplugged week was continuing on it's smooth course... well... kind of smooth. (Constant complaining from the 10 year old bro. about how unfair life is.. how we are never doing this again... how he HAS to play the xbox... ect. ect. and my quiet thoughts of how I just want to talk to my bff.. about a smooth as it could go I guess.) Then Monday morning came. The electricity was out. So I had to get ready. In the dark. And take a stupid standerdized test. Woo hoo! When I came home, the electricity was (you guessed it.) still out. So the parents rented a hotel for the night and Unplugged week was cancled. Obivously the electricity is back on... just in case you were wondering.

So how did the 1.5 days of no electronics go? Pretty well. I realized that it is (gasp) unneccesary to have my phone by me every second of the day. And that (although I feel the guilt) I don't HAVE to blog post every SINGLE day...

Just thought that I would let you in on the little happenings of my life. As usual.

-Girl 1. AKA Kathryn. AKA I have no idea where this blog is going anymore... it's a big ol' mess.

P.S. Is anyone out there? Is anyone even reading these posts? I sure hope so.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Unplugged week

This week is unplugged week at my house. My family and I are "unplugging" and not playing any electronics (within reason) for the whole week. I just wanted to let you know so that you are not surprised when I am not posting for... well... a week!

So I will talk to you all later! Hopefully with a post about how wonderful this week was. And how much I grew as a person. :P Looking forward to it.

-Girl 1